Study Reveals Driving and Texting Reach Epic Numbers


Recently, there have been numerous reports about the problem of car driver’s texting while on the road. Despite the assumption that teens are the biggest offenders, new research indicates that adults are worse offenders when it comes to the violation.

A recent study done by the American Life Project found that 27% of both teens and adults text while driving, but when they examined reading texts, adults were worse offenders by a margin of 47% to 34%.

In addition to surpassing teens with texting and driving, adults are much bigger offenders when it comes to talking on their cell phones while driving. In the study, 61% admitted to using their handheld device for talking, versus 43% of teens. Worse yet, 17% of adults admit to colliding into someone or something as a result of their cell phone usage.

Recently Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, called texting while driving “an epidemic” that he is committed to helping stop. He went so far as to take part in a special broadcast of the “The Oprah Winfrey Show” devoted to raising awareness of the issue.

With the development of advocacy campaigns like LaHood’s, more laws are being created to try and stop the behavior. It is expected the Secretary will be meeting with the CEO’s of car manufacturers to address the issue of technology on the road.

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